Javascript and Me

31 Aug 2016

After approximately two weeks of working with Javascript, I have found it very similar to Java, as the name would imply. The fundamental basics appeared the same at first. But as I delved deeper I found that Javascript has many more details one can apply, such as the ability to put quotes within quotes in a string and Augmented Mathematics. In short, I feel like it combines the simplicity of Java with the more sophisticated features that C/C++ has without the complications that come with them.

The lessons provided from freecodecamp were easy to understand and fun to do. It didn’t feel like homework when I was doing them. There were even some moments in my free time when I was gaming with friends, that I would tab out into freecodecamp to complete one of the modules.

As for athletic software engineering, I enjoy the idea of it. It keeps us focused on trying to make the best programs in the quickest amount of time. It gives us a clear goal and strive to improve. When doing the practice WODs by myself, I was surprised how in about half an hour, the amount of time it took for me to write a program was literally cut in half. This was only for the practice though.

I felt that the actual WOD from today was a little more stressful. I got nervous and wrote the code correctly, but forgot about console commands so I wasn’t able to test the function to confirm it was working properly. I was disappointed but I felt like a lot was learned from this experience. It will only allow me and everyone else to get better at programing while also getting us prepared for an actual work environment.